LO Norway has supported the Mozambican trade union movement OTM-CS since long time. The partnership support in recent years has been provided under an agreement from 2015-2018 and a subsequent agreement from 2019 to 2023 with an overall development goal of contributing to decent working conditions for workers, strengthening organizational capacity for collective bargaining, representation of women, and advocating for political change. The evaluation will focus on learning on project and organizational development and provide recommendations for the next steps in implementation. It will be qualitative and based on a mix of physical and virtual interviews. The evaluation is carried out in collaboration with Farol Consultoria e Serviços and will run in the period of April to June 2021.


Bente Consulting ApS 
Egholmvej 32A, Agersoe
DK - 4244 Agersø

+45 2257 2207 (Denmark)
+258 82 7679 357 (Mozambique)

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Skype: bentetopsoejensen

CVR-number: 3335 2956

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