After 9 long months, the Mapping Study of Civil Society Organizations in Mozambique undertaken for the EU Delegation in Maputo with a team of five consultants is finally available in Portuguese and English. The study presents a thorough analysis of the political, economic, social and legal context for CSO engagement in policy dialogue and development. It analyses the structure of civil society with the aim of establishing a typology operational for design of support mechanisms. The sustainability of CSOs is analyzed in terms of organizational, political and financial sustainability. The engagement of CSOs in a number of selected sectors is discussed: Good Governance, including budget monitoring and human rights; Sustainable Rural Development, including agriculture, land and forest; Social Services; Cultural Heritage; and Technical Vocational Education and Training. The architecture for support to civil society is addressed through the analysis of a number of support modalities. Finally a set of operational recommendations are presented for CSOs, development partners and government to take up.
The mapping study was implemented by ALTAIR Asessores.
Download the report in Portuguese or English.