Looking back on 2015…..

2015 has been a busy and interesting year for Bente Consulting. First of all, the company has celebrated its 5 years anniversary – a milestone, considering that it has been five good years with a string of interesting and challenging assignments. Second because the year represents a breakthrough in relation to diversification of the client base with assignments for the EU, NORAD, the Danish NGO platform Globalt Focus, as well as the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Not to forget contracts with private companies: Altair, COWI and NIRAS.

Civil society and good governance is still the key note for assignments, of which the mapping study of civil society organizations in Mozambique for the EU has represented the major part of this year’s work – an enormous effort in collaboration with an excellent team of four consultants, starting in December 2014 and ending in September 2015. 2015 also added new experience on work with exile Syrian CSOs based in Turkey to the record. Mozambique was again on the map in October and November with two different jobs – elaboration of an Investment Manual for the COWI-implemented municipal development program (PRODEM) and a mid-term review for NIRAS of the NORAD-financed conservation agriculture program (PROMAC). Two rounds of screening of applications for Globalt Fokus’ fund for Danish NGOs’ capacity building initiatives have provided an interesting insight in the diversity of small and major Danish development organizations. And finally, the last assignment which will bridge into 2016: formulation of a new Danish Good Governance & Human Rights program in Tanzania.

In spite of the somber perspectives for financing of development programs, 2016 so far seems to continue on a positive note in terms of jobs………………let’s hope for continued employment!

Happy New Year to all of you – and thank you for great collaboration!!


Bente Consulting ApS 
Egholmvej 32A, Agersoe
DK - 4244 Agersø

+45 2257 2207 (Denmark)
+258 82 7679 357 (Mozambique)

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Skype: bentetopsoejensen

CVR-number: 3335 2956

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