- Experience from a broad range of non-state actors, including civil society organisations, community based organisations, faith based organisations, trade unions and private sector actors (SMSE); knowledge of NGO legislation and hearing processes.
- Experience with monitoring of funding mechanisms for civil society and NSA.
- Long-term engagement in civil society development with focus on organisational capacity building and organisational development; advocacy, enhancing voice and accountability and the role of civil society in democratic development.
- Focus on human rights in a broad context, specifically with focus on women’s rights, land rights and labour rights.
- Long-term experience in NGO policy development, including participation in international coordination and policy fora.
- Fully conversant with current development policy issues related to the Paris Declaration, Accra Agenda for Action and Busan, the Cotonou Agreement, MDGs, APRM and SADC policies for trade unions and civil society.
- Formulation and implementation of district based development programmes, with focus on the interaction between government and civil society. Experience with decentralisation as well as devolution, dealing with both capacity building and restructuring of government structures, as well as support to CSOs.
Short term assignments related to civil society include:
- Baseline Study and elaboration of Monitoring Plan, Swedish Cooperative Centre, Niassa Province, 2012
- Capacity Assessment (follow-up) of candidates for Framework Agreements with Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2012
- Evaluation of FAPIM and SCORE-NRM projects and outline for formulation of a new women-focused civil society and natural resource management program, 2012
- Country study for evaluation of support to Civil Society engagement in Policy Dialogue, 2011-12
- Support to revised design of monitoring and evaluation system for the DFID and IrishAid-funded civil society support mechanism (MASC) 2010-12
- Prepared an experience-sharing workshop for implementing NGOs based on progress reports from 13 innovative women’s projects in Africa, 2011
- Review of Good Governance & Human Rights Programme in Ghana (2010)
- Mid-term review of Swedish Cooperative Centre’s civil society support programme in Mozambique (2009-10)
- Review of MS Action Aid's land rights programme in Zambia (2009)
- Evaluation of DanChurchAids partnership programmes in Malawi and India (2009)
- Internal review of Danish trade union programme in Southern Africa (2009)
- Appraisal of Danish human rights programme in Turkey (2008)
- Appraisals of Danish trade union programmes in Southern and Eastern Africa (2007-08)
- Evaluation of Citizen’s Voice & Accountability in Mozambique (2007-08)
- Teaching The Role of Civil Society in Accountability and Anti-corruption for participants from developing countries at Danida Fellowship Training Courses, 2007-10.
- Project identification for Cooperative Member Education and Communication in Indonesia for Cooperative Center Denmark (1991)
- Elaboration of report on Popular Participation in Guinea-Bissau for Stockholm University (1989)