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Caucasus Research Resource Centers - final evaluation

The Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC) in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are a network of research, resource and training centers supported by the Carneigie Corporation in partnership with the Eurasia Partnership Foundation and local universities. The support is coming to an end in 2018 and Peruse Company is conducting the evaluation. Bente Consulting provides input on evaluation methodology and quality assurance, January - March 2018.

Baseline development for BØRNEfonden

As part of the Strategic Partnership Agreement with Danida, BØRNEfonden needs to finalize the baseline for Youth Empowerment in West Africa (YEWA) program. This includes document review and interviews with partners in Bukina Faso, Mali, Benin and Togo. The assignment is first part of two, where the next will focus on development of a monitoring framework and tools, training of staff and test run of the system. Bente Consulting will work in close collaboration with BØRNEfondens regional coordination unit and the head office in Copenhagen. Read more about BØRNEfonden here. December 2017 - January 2018.  

Rights for All Women - evaluation in Cameroun 2018

Bente Consulting is contracted by Rights for All Women, a Danish NGO working with women rights defenders in Cameroun, to undertake an evaluation of their longstanding collaboration with Women's Counselling and Information Center in Cameroun (WCIC). The collaboration dates back more than 10 years and will terminate with the end of 2019. The evaluation will provide input to the formulation of a joint phasing-out plan, which among other things focus on organizational sustainability and fundraising capacity. WCIC undertakes advocacy to change of the gender biased civil code; they provide legal counselling and assistance to poor women; and they undertake information activities on women's rights in relation to e.g. Gender Based Violence. Field work in Cameroun will be undertaken in May or June 2018. RAW operates with funds from CISU (Danida). Read more about the project here.  

Evaluation of CIVICUS

The global civil society platform CIVICUS connects civil society organizations and activists from more than 170 countries worldwide. Sida has supported CIVICUS since 2004 and has commissioned an evaluation, which focus on the organizational capacity of CIVICUS to manage and implement an increasing program portfolio and corresponding budget. The evaluation is carried out through the Sida Framework Agreement with NIRAS Indevelop, and Bente Consulting provides the team leader. The evaluation included visit to the CIVICUS head quarters in South Africa, interviews in India and extensive skype interviews with member organizations, board members and staff in Latin America, North America and Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa. The evaluation took place from October 2017 to January 2018.

Sida was very satisfied with the result of the evaluation: "I must say that despite quite an open and broad assignment, you’ve done an excellent job overall to capture key points. You’ve particularly done a good job with trying to make the recommendations meaningful and possible to follow-up, not merely repeating things already known.........  it is so well-written, structured and dense with very valuable details........." Niklas Hansson, Sida CIVSAM team, 19.01.2018.

Citizens' Engagement Program - social accountability training

The Citizens' Engagement Program (CEP) in Mozambique will undertake social accountability training for staff and partners. Bente Consulting is contracted to design and plan the training which will take place in August 2017. June-August 2017. Read more about CEP here.

Global South Civil Society Support Program - review.

Review of Global South Civil Society Support Program in Kenya, Uganda and Somalia. The review included field work in Kenya and Nairobi from 1-18 July. It focussed on lessons learned in relation to the grant facility mechanism and assessment of obtained results in terms of increased capacity with involved civil society organizations.The main feature of the program is the matching between CSOs/CBOs in demand for capacity development and Capacity Development Partners offering training and capacity building. The review took place from June - August 2017 and was carried out by a team of two consultants for which Bente Consluting provided the team leader. The Global South Civil Society Program was a pilot initiative financed by Danida. Read more about the Global South program here.

Iniciativas para Terra Comunitárias - review

Review of the Land Fund in Mozambique (iTC - iniciativas para Terras Comunitärias). The review has focussed on the organizational governance systems, as well as the review of program implementation. The review has analyzed the institutional transition processaimed at establishing an independent foundation. It has paid special attention to the Social Preparation methodology, which aims at empowering communities through land delimitation and collective land demarcation. The monitoring system has been analysed with a critical view on documentation of change against strategic objectives. A gender analysis has been undertaken based on document review, interviews and field observations with the aim of assessing the implementation of the Gender & Diversity Strategy. The review included field work in Gaza, Sofala and Nampula Provinces. Draft findings and recommendations were presented to the iTC General Assembly. The review took place in May-June 2017 and involved a team of three consultants of which Bente Consulting provided the team leader. 

Community delimitation 

Advocacy training and advocacy strategy formulation (Mali)

Bente Consulting is contracted to support BØRNEfonden's partner organization ASDAP (Association de Soutienau Développement des Activités du Population) in Mali with advocacy training and preparation of a national level advocacy strategy and plan. The advocacy strategy is part of a three-year project addressing Female Genital Mutilation in Mali. The assignment includes the preparation of a 5-days training workshop to be held in Lomé (Togo) from 20-24 February 2017. Read more about ASDAP here.


CSR - initiatives in 2016

The 2016 CSR-initiatives were relatively limited and included:   

  1. CO2 compensation for extensive air travelling throughoutthe year - a total of approximately 140,000 km =3½ times around the World, which equals a contributoin of DKK4,900 to BirdLife Denmark's (DOF) reforestation programs.
  2. Contribution to film project in Bangladesh. Bente Consulting ApS has supported the fundraising for the completion of a Documentary Film "Seemantorekha" (The Borderline) by Tanvir Mokammel in Bangladesh. Tanvir is a friend since 1980 - always dedicated to documenting social injustice through film and litterature. USD 150.
  3. Monthly contributions to Amnesty International, DKK 900.
  4. Support to Danish Association of the Physical Disabled's local chapter's Christmas publication, DKK 250.


Bente Consulting ApS 
Egholmvej 32A, Agersoe
DK - 4244 Agersø

+45 2257 2207 (Denmark)
+258 82 7679 357 (Mozambique)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: bentetopsoejensen

CVR-number: 3335 2956

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