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Danish Association of the Blind - LogFrame and Monitoring Plan

As a follow up of the evaluation of the Danish Association of the Blind's (DAB) partnership project with Lao Association of the Blind and Mongolian National Federation of the Blind in August 2013 and a fact finding mission to Myanmar in November 2013, Bente Consulting will support DAB in the preparation of the third phase of the Asia-Pacific partnership project. The assignment is scheduleed for February and April 2014 and will focus on the development of a LogFrame model, as well as the design of a Monitoring Plan.

CO2 compensation 2013

As a compensation for the almost 77,000 kilometers travelled during 2013, Bente Consulting has contributed DKK 2,605 to the Bird Life International's buying of threathened forest habitats in Ecuador, which are home to some of the world's highest bird species diversity. Read more about climate and CO2 compensation at Dansk Ornitologisk Forening's webiste

Development Planning in Myanmar

Chin State Development Plan and Local Social Plan. In January and March 2014, Bente Consulting ApS will be engaged in the development of a comprehensive regional plan for Chin State in Myanmar. The plans will be developed through a bottom-up participatory planning process, which will include stakeholder meetings government, local communities, other stakeholders and villagers to facilitate the identification of opportunities and needs for development and social protection measures. The work is commissioned by UNICEF / Danida and carried out by Institute for International Development.

Fact finding in Myanmar with Danish Association of the Blind

Bente Consulting ApS has assisted the Danish Association of the Blind (DBS) in undertaking a facts finding mission in Myanmar in early November 2013. The fact finding was carried out in close collaboration with the DBS and the Myanmar National Assication of the Blind (MNAB). Focus was on contextual, problem and stakeholder analysis on which reports are being prepared. An organizational capacity assessment workshop was carried out with MNAB, using the OCTAGON-model for organizational assessment. Organizational capacity assessment workshop with Myanmar National Association of the Blind during which participants engaged in discussions on organizational structure, vision & mission, internal democracy, planning and activities, relevance, target groups, networking and advocacy...... "And we were kept busy with many questions and had no time to get bored during the whole day!", said one of the participants. Read more about DBS's development work here.




HRBA training of Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Bente Consulting ApS has prepared and facilitated an internal workshop on Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) for staff at the Danida Technical Advisory Services (Danish: UFT). The workshop took place 3-4 December with 18 participants and aimed at sharing experience and identify good practices and HRBA tools, which can be used in the roll-out of the HRBA to embassies. The workshop was the culmination of an interactive planning process, which started in October. Workshop results are summarized in an internal working paper for UFT to carry forward. Read more about the Danida HRBA Guidance Note here.

CSR - Support to MSF in Syria

Bente Consulting has supported the work of MSF's (Medecins Sans Frontieres / Læger uden Grænser) work in Syria with a donation of DKK 2.000. Read more about MSF in Syria here.

Evaluation LO/FTF program in Mozambique & Malawi

LO/FTF Council - the Danish trade union council for international development co-operation - has contracted Bente Consulting ApS to undertake an internal evaluation of their Southern Africa program. The evaluation will among other things focus on lessons learned in the areas of organizational development, advocacy and the informal sector. The evaluation will include field visits to Mozambique and Malawi and start by the end of September. Read more about LO/FTF here.

Danish Association of the Blind

The Danish Association of the Blind (DBS) supports their sister organizations in Laos and Mongolia through a regional program in Asia. Bente Consulting ApS in collaboration with local consultants will undertake an evaluation of the program, adressing issues related to the regional program set-up, advocacy work and monitoring practices. The preliminary findings will be presented and discussed at a seminar in Ulaanbataar, Mongolia by mid-August 2013. Read more about DBS here (in Danish).

Violence Against Women in MENA

The Women's Council of Denmark (Kvinderådet), the Danish Association of Women's Shelters (LOKK) and Danner are preparing a partnership agreement with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a program adressing Violence Against Women in the Middle East and North Africa. Bente Consulting ApS facilitates the elaboration of the program document in close collaboration with the three organizations. Get more information about the Danish-Arab Partnership Programme here.


Bente Consulting ApS 
Egholmvej 32A, Agersoe
DK - 4244 Agersø

+45 2257 2207 (Denmark)
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